Pro Silva Ireland

CCF Forest Walk, Co. Limerick

Pro Silva Ireland members in the southwest may be interested in an upcoming Teagasc CCF forest walk in Co. Limerick.

Start Date


End Date



All day event



Pro Silva Ireland members in the southwest may be interested in an upcoming Teagasc CCF forest walk in Co. Limerick.

The walk near Caherconlish will showcase the transformation management of a 10 ha spruce/oak young plantation.

Participants will visit the private farm forest managed under CCF and discuss a wide range of topics with the management team.

To date, transformation to CCF management has been a collaborative effort between the owner and his family working closely with local forestry professionals along with Teagasc Forestry support.

The forest walk takes place on Friday, 28 April 2023, at 11.00 am near Caherconlish, Co Limerick.



Latest Events

Pro Silva Ireland is delighted to offer new dates for training on early transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. This training is ideal for anyone who has participated in other Pro Silva Ireland events and wishes to develop practical skills in tree selection and marking.
Pro Silva Ireland will host an afternoon field event on Friday 30th August in the forest of Liam Bresnan near Caherconlish, Co. Limerick with a focus on the benefits of planting intimate blocks of secondary species into the main species at establishment stage.