As awareness of climate change and biodiversity loss grows, the multiple functions and benefits bestowed by forests—including the conservation of ecosystems, protection of soil and climate, production of timber and other products, and provision of cultural, recreation and amenity services—are increasingly valued by Irish society. Continuous cover forestry (CCF) is an approach to forest management that answers to the new priorities by maintaining permanent, resilient and multifunctional forests. With more and more public and private Irish forests being managed under CCF principles, supported by developments in forestry policy, the knowledge, expertise and research surrounding CCF in Ireland has grown extensively since the foundation of Pro Silva Ireland in 2000.
This conference, with a mixture of presentations, panel discussions, information displays and networking opportunities, will celebrate and inform on the progress, challenges and future opportunities of CCF in Ireland.
The day will also mark the launch of our new book A Guide to Continuous Cover Forestry Practice in Ireland, on the 25th anniversary of Pro Silva Ireland.
A Guide to Continuous Cover Forestry Practice in Ireland
Pro Silva Ireland has produced a comprehensive guide to continuous cover forestry (CCF) practice in Ireland for those who want to grow a sustainable timber resource while actively promoting the wider benefits provided by forests. It contains guidance for CCF management at any stage in a forest’s development in Ireland, and incorporates the knowledge gained by Pro Silva Ireland’s pioneering CCF practitioners, acquired through real practice in Irish forests. It is a practice that has been informed by the Pro Silva Europe experience, and the academic body of work, adapted in the field to Irish conditions.
The handbook is for current and future practitioners of CCF management, including foresters, contractors, forest owners, ecologists and students. It will also be useful for those overseeing CCF managed forests in a regulatory capacity, or others involved with projects where CCF is the chosen management option. Finally, it is an invitation to join the task of implementing a more sustainable and resilient approach to forest management across Ireland, and to contribute to the ongoing conversation helping Irish CCF to evolve best practice.
All conference attendees will receive a FREE copy of A Guide to Continuous Cover Forestry Practice in Ireland, by Sean Hoskins, Pro Silva Ireland.