2-day Tree marking training course, 9-10 April 2025

Pro Silva Ireland is delighted to offer new dates for training on early transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. This training is ideal for anyone who has participated in other Pro Silva Ireland events and wishes to develop practical skills in tree selection and marking.

Start Date


End Date


Start Time

9:30 am

End Time

4:00 pm


6FMF+WW Kilteel, County Kildare

Dates:           Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th April 2025
Venue:          Rathcoole Community Centre and Private Forest at Kilteel, Co. Kildare

Course Instructor: Ted Wilson MSIF FRSB

LEARNING BY DOING – The course involves indoor and outdoor sessions over two days, with practical tree marking exercises in a specially prepared forest area (called a marteloscope). Participants will receive feedback on tree marking and will learn the difference between conventional early thinning in clearfell forestry versus tree selection and thinning for CCF management. The course is designed for foresters and “hands on” forest owners who are taking their first steps in CCF management.

EXPERT INSTRUCTOR – Ted Wilson is the lead instructor for the course. He is a silviculturist with wide international experience as a forester, researcher and educator. His primary focus is applied science and management of continuous cover forests and was previously a Walsh Fellow in Silviculture with Teagasc.

This course is being offered for FREE, thanks to funding through the Forestry Training Skills Programme from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

The course is worth 45 CPD points for foresters registered on the Society of Irish Foresters CPD programme.

Spaces are limited, so early registration is advised.


Latest Events

Pro Silva Ireland is delighted to offer new dates for training on early transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. This training is ideal for anyone who has participated in other Pro Silva Ireland events and wishes to develop practical skills in tree selection and marking.

Register for 2-day Tree marking training course, 9-10 April 2025