Introduction to CCF Workshop 2: Fri 13th Sept

Start Date


End Date


Start Time

10:30 am

End Time

3:30 pm


Pro Silva Ireland is delighted to offer TWO free workshops on Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) in Ireland: from principles to practice. These workshops are a fantastic opportunity for foresters, forest owners and anyone interested in sustainable forest management to visit one of the most advanced CCF sites in Ireland, learn about CCF principles and how they are applied in a forest, and experience all that CCF management has to offer.

Spaces are limited to ensure an in-depth learning experience.

Dates: Friday 13th September 
Time: 10.30am-3.30pm
Cloragh Forest, Co. Wicklow


Register via Eventbrite Friday 13th September

The workshops will be led by Liam Byrne, Pro Silva Ireland committee member and operations manager of Cloragh Forest. Liam will be joined by other experts in CCF management on the day.

The workshops will demonstrate key practices of CCF, including:

  • CCF principles
  • Forest planning
  • Timber production, harvesting and markets
  • Tree selection
  • Enhancement works
  • Deer management
  • Non-wood products and opportunities
  • Ecosystem services

The workshop is 100% in the forest, so please come with appropriate footwear and clothing. You will also need a packed lunch.

Latest Events

Pro Silva Ireland is delighted to offer new dates for training on early transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. This training is ideal for anyone who has participated in other Pro Silva Ireland events and wishes to develop practical skills in tree selection and marking.