Summer afternoon CCF event in Limerick

Pro Silva Ireland will host an afternoon field event on Friday 30th August in the forest of Liam Bresnan near Caherconlish, Co. Limerick with a focus on the benefits of planting intimate blocks of secondary species into the main species at establishment stage.

Start Date


End Date


Start Time

2:30 pm

End Time

5:30 pm


V35 K602

This event will visit a 9.8Ha forest area, planted in 1999, consisting of areas of Sitka spruce and Norway spruce with small areas of oak and alder mixed through the spruce, as well as a 4.9ha forest of oak and Scots pine planted in 2004.

The site provides a glimpse into the benefits of planting intimate blocks of secondary species into the main species at establishment stage and how they appear after a third thinning intervention.

Management interventions associated with the DAFM Woodland Improvement Scheme (WIS)–Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) element will be viewed and discussed, as well as tree marking, pruning and enrichment planting.

The Sitka and Norway spruce stands have undergone a third thinning in the transforming of the forest to an irregular forest structure with implementation of closer-to-nature forest management. The oak and Scots pine forest is ready for a second thinning intervention and has been submitted to the Forest Service for the CCF scheme. Management of this forest type under CCF into the future will be discussed.

All are welcome to attend the event. Suitable footwear and clothing are required.

Attendance at this event is worth 15 CPD points for those registered with the Society of Irish Foresters CPD programme.

Address: Caherelly, Grange, Kilmallock, Co Limerick V35 K602

Google Maps Link

This event is supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.


Latest Events

Pro Silva Ireland is delighted to offer new dates for training on early transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. This training is ideal for anyone who has participated in other Pro Silva Ireland events and wishes to develop practical skills in tree selection and marking.
A joint field day with Irish Timber Growers Association (ITGA) on Friday 24th May in Knockrath Private Forest, Co. Wicklow, exploring advanced transformation to CCF.