Autumn Field Day and AGM 2023




10:45 am



Late transformation to CCF in the West


Our Autumn Field Day 2023 on Saturday 7th October in Co. Leitrim will cover the challenges and opportunities, particularly in the west of Ireland, of a late transformation to CCF (Continuous Cover Forestry) on wet soils, as well as CCF management in a mixed broadleaf site. There will also be an introduction to the use of chromatography in visualising the qualities of soil during the day. The AGM of Pro Silva Ireland will be held at lunchtime.

Séan Ó Conláin and his wife Bríd acquired 8 hectares of 26-year-old pure Sitka spruce in 2013 and, following the development of a forest road, commenced transforming the stand through a series of management interventions.  It has now had three thinnings and the stand is marked in preparation for a fourth thinning.

We will discuss this very late attempt at transformation to CCF and the challenges involved both with the late commencement and with the use of conventional forest harvesting machinery on wet soils.

The family also planted a mixed broadleaf forest (6 ha.) in 2004 with a mixture of birch, alder, ash, oak, rowan and other broadleaves.  We will look at early interventions in this site and the challenges posed by ash dieback in particular.

We will also be joined by Vanya Lambrecht Ward, a visual artist, environmentalist and academic based in ATU Sligo, who will give us a brief introduction to the use of chromatography in visualising the qualities of soil.

Séan is an active committee member of Pro Silva Ireland and is the former chair of the Teagasc Forestry Development Stakeholder Group. He is also involved in a number of local initiatives in Leitrim such as the Leitrim PPN (Public Participation Network), and the Dromahair Heritage Group.

Please bring suitable footwear and clothing, as well as a packed lunch.

All are welcome to attend our field day. Please click on the button to register in advance. Registration will also be open from 10:30am on the day.

Latest Events

Pro Silva Ireland is delighted to offer new dates for training on early transformation to CCF in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. This training is ideal for anyone who has participated in other Pro Silva Ireland events and wishes to develop practical skills in tree selection and marking.