Pro Silva Ireland

WEBINAR: Deer management and CCF in Ireland

Start Date


End Date


Start Time

8:00 pm

End Time

9:00 pm




Teddy Cashman: Chairman, National Deer Management Strategy Group

Matt Stuart: Chief Executive and Agent of Baronscourt Estate, Co. Tyrone
Followed by Q&A


Further information

In his presentation, Teddy Cashman will outline the process of addressing the problems with deer management taken by the National Deer Management Strategy Group over the last 16 months resulting in the publication of a report and the adoption of its recommendations by government. He will also discuss next steps in progressing the agenda.

Deer have been present on the Baronscourt Estate for a long period of time and with natural regeneration a fundamental pillar of CCF, the Estate has in recent years adopted a number of new measures designed to improve its management of the herd so that it meets its natural regeneration objectives. These include the introduction of an annual Herbivore Impact Assessment, thermal drone survey and the employment of a full-time deerstalker, details of which Matt Stuart will be presenting during the webinar, along with a history of managing deer at Baronscourt.


About the Speakers

Teddy Cashman is a dairy farmer from the outskirts of Cork city. He has been involved at a leadership level in multiple rural-based organisations for the last 30 years, including IFAC accountancy, National Dairy Council chairman, chairman of IFA’s Liquid Milk Committee, Lakelands Dairies governance committee, and currently is the independent chairman of the National Deer Management Strategy Group.


Graduating from Harper Adams University College with a degree in Rural Enterprise and Land Management (REALM) in 2010, Matt Stuart qualified as a rural chartered surveyor with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and as fellow of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers in 2011 whilst working as a graduate surveyor with a national firm of rural surveyors in England.

In 2012 Matt joined Abercorn Estates where today he occupies the position of Chief Executive and Agent responsible for managing a wide range of agricultural, residential and commercial properties and a diverse range of business operations in Northern Ireland and Scotland and at the heart of which is the Baronscourt Estate. Extending to c. 5,500 acres, Baronscourt is located near Omagh in Co. Tyrone where the Estate has been managing its ever-increasing forest resource in accordance with the principles of continuous cover forestry, having started the transformation process in 2001.


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