Pro Silva Ireland

Summer Afternoon Field Event in East Cork

Pro Silva Ireland will host an afternoon field event on Friday 25th August in the forest of Cornelius Barry near Leamlara, Co. Cork.

Start Date


End Date


Start Time

3:00 am

End Time

6:00 am


Peafield, Leamlara, Co Cork. T56 K129

Pro Silva Ireland will host an afternoon field event on Friday 25th August in the forest of Cornelius Barry near Leamlara, Co. Cork. The 8.8Ha forest consists of areas of Sitka spruce, Norway spruce, sycamore and an area recently replanted under the RUS scheme.

Management interventions associated with Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine schemes, including the CCF and RUS schemes, will be viewed and discussed, as well as tree marking, pruning and enrichment planting. Management challenges, such as a significant local fallow deer population, will also be discussed.

The visit will take in Sitka and Norway spruce stands and a small stand of sycamore that have undergone transformation/crown thinning as an initial step to transforming the forest to an irregular forest structure and implementing closer-to-nature management. We will also visit a cleared ash dieback site that has been replanted under the RUS scheme with mixed species, with a view to management under CCF in the future.

All are welcome to attend the event. Suitable footwear and clothing are required.

To register for the event, please complete the form below.

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