Pro Silva Ireland

Pro Silva Ireland Autumn Field Day, Moyrath, Kildalkey, Co. Meath and AGM

September 21, 2017

The Pro Silva Ireland Autumn Field Day will be held on Saturday 7th October in Moyrath, Kildalkey, Co. Meath (see directions below)..

Meeting Time 11.00 AM, expected finish approx. 3.00 PM

This is a private forest owned by Gerald Potterton, situated near the village of Kildalkey, (near Trim) Co. Meath (see directions below). The forest is manged by Gerald Potterton with assistance from forester Fionan Russell.

The focus on the day will be early management of 1st generation oak plantations.  There are areas of oak which have received 1st thinning (removal of “nurse” conifers) and which are now ready for 2nd thinning.  We will look at how best the 2nd thinning operation can be carried out while keeping costs to a minimum and promoting the best stems.  We will also looked at 1st thinning / respacing of oak / Scots pine mixtures and some other broadleaved areas with ash / sycamore / maple.

We will be joined on the day by the Head Cooper from Irish Distillers in Middleton Co. Cork.  Ger is a 5th generation cooper who has spent his life working with oak and knows the quality requirements of oak for coopering better than anyone.  In recent years, Irish Distillers have been working with Pro Silva Ireland members to sustainably source high quality oak for coopering.  They are also keen to encourage the important early management of oak forests, essential if high quality timber is to be produced at maturity.  Ger will share his knowledge in this regard.

Participants should bring a packed lunch and be dressed for the outdoors!

As usual at Pro Silva Ireland field days we will be collecting a voluntary contribution (suggested as €20) towards the running of field days and other events.

We will also be running our AGM during the lunch interval.



Pro Silva event signs will be positioned on all access roads to the property.  Moyrath is located approx. 1.5 km west of Kildalkey which is about 6km west of Trim, Co. Meath.  The property can also be accessed by driving north about 5km from Ballivor which is located on the R156 between Killucan and Rathmoylan.



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