ProSilva Ireland 2016 Study Trip to Belgium 8-11 September

June 20, 2016


All ProSilva Ireland members are welcome to attend our annual study trip – this year to Belgium.

The study trip will aim to follow the itinerary below:

Base: Namur

Day 1: We will visit forests close to Brussels and Namur. We will visit different conifer stands in Ardenne (douglas, spruce) that have been historically transformed and broadleave stands (oak, beech, ash, maple).

Day 2:  A visit to Vielsalm conifer public forest.

Day 3:  Namur University forest – we will be visiting different broadleave stands (oak, beech, ash, maple) managed by ProSilva Wallonie (Belgium) President, Charles Debois, who have practised Pro Silva principles for more than 30 years.

Study tour details:

ProSilva Ireland and ProSilva Wallonie will be organising the bus transport and accommodation in Belgium.

The trip will be from Thursday morning meeting at Brussels airport and will include all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday returning to Ireland on Sunday. 

Accommodation and bus travel within Brussels will be arranged:

This will involve 3 night B+B – €150 (€30 per night supplement for single room)

3 days lunches and dinners -€65

Bus  – estimate €50/person (this will depend on final numbers attending)

Flights –Members are to make their own arrangements regarding flights.
Options as and from earlier this week (note prices will change)

Aer Lingus –   Dublin to Brussels -08/09/16@6.40am – arrive 9.25am – €29.99

Brussels to Dublin – 11/09/16 @10.05am – arrive 10.50am – €104.99

–               or  @ 21.15pm – arrive 21.50pm – €66.99


Ryanair         Dublin to Brussels -08/09/16@6.30am – arrive 9.30am – €19.99

Brussels to Dublin – 11/09/16 @13.45pm – arrive 14.35pm – €49.99


There are also Ryanair flights on Wednesday evening and returning Sunday evening to Namur airport.


Places are limited.  To secure a place, please email: Padriag O’Tuama who is liasing with ProSilva Wallonie at 

AND send a €50 booking deposit as soon as possible to:

Manus Crowlely

Treasurer / Membership Secretary,
Pro Silva Ireland,
18 Marian place,


ProSilva Ireland wishes to thank ProSilva Wallonie
and member Christine Sanchez for arranging and hosting this study tour.


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