ProSilva Ireland visit to Baronscourt Fri 3 Oct 2014 – All Welcome

August 24, 2014

Forests at Baronscourt

Pro Silva Ireland’s next Forest Open day is in Baronscourt, Co. Tyrone, Friday 3 Oct 2014, with guest forester Phil Morgan. The focus of the day will be primarily in conifer woodland where a range of different treatments have been carried out.

Baronscourt Estate has a very long association with forestry which goes back at least to the late 1800s.  The forestry operation  at Baronscourt covers approximately 1,150 ha of commercial woodland.  The majority of the conifers grown are:  Sitka Spruce, Norway Spruce, Western Hemlock, Douglas Fir, European, Hybrid &  Japanese  Larch, Scots, Lodgepole & Monterey Pine, Western Red Cedar, Lawson Cypress, Atlas & Deodar Cedar, Chilean Pine (monkey puzzle) and Giant Sequoia.

In September 2001 Baronscourt Estate started a management conversion of its forest to “Continuous Cover Forestry” (CCF).  The aim of this conversion is to enhance the stability within the forest structure from wind, soil erosion, and climate mitigation. Also that a multi-age (uneven) and multi-specie forest structure has significant economic,  environmental, and social benefits in comparison to standard plantation forestry.

In 2003 the Estate was awarded the prestigious Royal Forestry Society’s ‘Duke of Cornwall’s Award’ for their efforts toward forestry and conservation management.

The ProSilva Ireland forest visit discussions for the day will cover:

  • Graduated Density thinning in 1st and 2nd thinning in SS
  • Crown and Target diameter thinning in subsequent thinning in SS
  • Tending in Birch natural regeneration.
  • Area restocking with Oak with planned CCF management in the future
  • AFI Inventory.

Our Guest speaker :

Phil MorganPhil Morgan:

Current ProSilva Europe president Phil Morgan is a regular visitor, consultant and advisor to the Irish forest sector.

He is a past chair of ProSilva Great Britain (CCFG) and also translated the AFI handbook on continuous cover management.

He wrote the 2006 ProSilva Ireland booklet ‘What makes Close to Nature Forest Management an attractive choice for Irish farmers?’

Phil now combines consultancy work and the management of woodlands in Wales through his own company Sustainable Forest Management and through a trading co-operative called SelectFor. He is a specialist in continuous cover forest management and close to nature forestry.

ALL WELCOME Foresters, farmers, small and large woodland owners, forestry students welcome.

Day begins: 11 am  – 4.30 pm

Directions: See the Baronscourt website or map below


Please bring your own packed lunch, wet weather clothing and boots.

A €20 donation is appreciated to cover the cost of the visiting Pro Silva Europe forester.

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