Updated: Mon 25 March 2013 with itinerary and costs; itinerary can be downloaded
- ProSilva Ireland is delighted to announce the programme of the 2013 ProSilva Ireland Members Study trip to Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic, located in the heart of Europe, has an area of 78,864 km2, distributed throughout the regions of Bohemia and Moravia. The landscape is dominated by densely forested hills, interspersed with mountain ranges.
The programme will be centered in the South Moravian region and we will stay in Brno.
The main highlights will include:
- viewing the conversion of former conifer monocultures by selective harvesting , conversion of former conifer monocultures to the shelterwood system using spruce, silver-fir and beech.
- we will also study Beech and Oak dominated forest management, un- managed natural forests and Close-to-Nature forest management that has higher conservation status.
Timetable and provisional costs: (the full itinerary can be downloaded here (Xcel document)
- Aer Lingus flight Dublin – Vienna Thur May 9th depart 07.30am, arrive 11.15am
- Members are to pay for their own flights, coach costs, accommodation and meals as listed below.
- Aer Lingus flights appear to be in the region of €200. There are no Ryanair flights available.
- Will be met at airport by mini coach in which we will travel for the few days, this will return us also to the airport on the Sunday morning (approx coach cost 50 EUR per person)
- On Thursday, the day of our arrival, we travel to Brno in the Czech republic (approx 155 km) with a visit to a forest on the way
- All day Friday and Saturday will be spent in the forests
- On Sunday we will return to Vienna for flight departure at 11.55, arriving into Dublin at 13.45pm.
- Breakfasts will be included in the accommodation price, more details to follow
- Lunches will be organised as simple meals in the field approx 8 EUR per person
- Dinners in the evenings will cost maybe 15 – 20 EUR per person.
Study tour details:
All members are welcome to attend.
ProSilva Ireland and ProSilva Czech Republic will be organising the bus transport and accommodation
Places are limited. To secure a place please send a €50 booking deposit to the membership secretary to 36 Fitzwilliam Square as soon as possible.
Wish to come but not a member yet? – Please see our ‘Join’ page for details here
ProSilva Ireland wishes to thank ProSilva Czech Republic and member Tomas Vskra for arranging and hosting this study tour. Also thanks to ProSilva Ireland committee member Donal O’Hare for liaising and co-ordinating this valuable international study trip for our members.
There is growing interest in permanent forest management in Ireland so please feel welcome to forward this event to others