‘Close to Nature Forest Management – the Pro Silva approach’ – introductory talk for the Irish Wildlife Trust

October 26, 2018

 ‘Close to Nature Forest Management –
the Pro Silva approach’ –

Introductory talk
by ecologist Faith Wilson
Irish Wildlife Trust – Green Drinks
Sweetmans Pub, 1-2 Burgh Quay,
Dublin 2 – top floor
6th November 2018
A talk on Close-to-Nature forestry in Ireland, will be given by Faith Wilson who is a practising ecologist and a committee member of Pro Silva Ireland.  The evening has been kindly organised by the Irish Wildlife Trust. All are welcome.

Faith will give an overview of Pro Silva Ireland, its aims and work to date.

Faith Wilson – Ecological Consultant BSc CEnv MCIEEM on the recent Pro SIlva Ireland study tour to Alsace, France.

ProSilva Ireland is an All Ireland organisation, which aims to develop and promote the ProSilva Principles in Irish forestry which, through a diversification of age and species structures allow for the full development of the forests ecological role and the simultaneous economic production of high quality forest products.    ProSilva Ireland promotes knowledge and practical examples of continuous cover forestry management in woodlands across Ireland through field days and study trips to the continent.   Continuous cover forestry management is a forest management system where forest managers and owners work hand in hand with the natural processes and dynamics that occur in forests to the benefit of the forest owner, the environment and society in general. ProSilva members believe that forests provide four categories of benefit to society. These are:

  1. production of timber and other products
  2. protection of soil and climate
  3. maintenance of ecosystems
  4. recreation, amenity, and cultural aspects
Over the last century, Ireland has developed a forest industry based principally around plantation forests. These forests have been grown as agricultural crops on a rotation system (typically forty years followed by clearfell and replanting). The ProSilva approach is to find ways of transforming these plantation forests to permanent forests of mixed species and age classes.

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