The potential of Irish hardwoods is the subject of a new review article co-written by Pro Silva Ireland members. The Irish Forestry Journal piece explores innovative hardwood utilisation as part of continuous cover forestry (CCF) management. As Ireland’s young broadleaf forest resource expands and matures there is a growing need to find innovative markets for hardwoods. Exciting new uses for small diameter hardwoods are explored including end grain floor tiles, large construction beams and heat-treated ash exterior cladding. The article presents findings from a recent study tour to Wales involving the Limerick Tipperary Woodland Owners (LTWO) group, Teagasc Forestry and PSI members. The group met businesses and development agencies involved in innovative hardwood utilisation and visited a range of broadleaf forest managed through CCF for the production of high quality timber. Pro Silva Ireland committee members Jonathan Spazzi and Seán Garvey co-authored the piece along with Teagasc forestry researcher Dr. Ian Short.
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