Pro Silva Ireland October 2012 Open Forest Day: Forestry and Monuments, Another Approach. 

September 15, 2012

This October sees Pro Silva Ireland host an exciting open forest day at Coillte’s Burren forest property in Co. Cavan, part of the Marble Arch Global Geopark.

The Geopark is an UNESCO-designated site famed for its high concentration of archaeological and geological features.
The Open Forest Day takes place on Saturday October 6 and the objective will be discuss alternative options to clear-fell and explore the forest’s potential for aiding the preservation of the Burren’s valuable ancient structures.  

The clear-fell system with a no-thin regime was the primary silvicultural system adopted in the majority of the Burren property to date.  

Archaeological and cultural features were protected by careful felling within and around the features with a large un-planted buffer zone being retained around the feature after a clear-fell. 

The open day will consist with a series of lectures at Marble Arch followed by a visit to the Burren property that will provide an opportunity to see the potential for forest cover to protect cultural features at the site.  

While this forest visit has the theme of Monuments and Forestry, the usual Pro Silva forest principles will be discussed.

It will be a great opportunity for anyone wanting to learn about sound silvicultural methods that do not involve clear-fell.

Pro Silva Ireland October 2012 Open Forest Day: Forestry and Monuments, Another Approach.

Date: Saturday October 6, 2012

Venue: Marble Arch Caves and Global Geo Park Centre and The Burren, Co. Cavan.

Meet:  10am for tea and coffee at Marble Arch Caves and Global Geopark Centre

Lectures: Begin 10.30am and include:

– Marble Arch Caves and Global Geopark Manager Richard Watson: “Forests Growing Tourism As Well As Trees”.

– Chief Forest Service Archaeologist Emmet Byrne: “Megalithic Features Of The Burren”.

– Pro Silva Netherlands Secretary Martijn Boosten (Co-author of Cultural Heritage In Sustainable Forest Management): “Forestry And National Monuments- The Dutch Approach”.

Walking Lecture Tour:

– Depart Marble Arch at 12 noon and drive to The Burren, approximately 30 minutes away.

– 12.30pm First stop and lunch

– 4.30pm Finish.

There will be also be an option of visiting a nearby stone inclosure with local guides.

A €20 donation is appreciated to cover the cost of the visiting Pro Silva Europe foresters.
Please bring your own packed lunch, wet weather clothing and boots.
Detailed directions to follow.

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